Mac-Source 1994 July
C and C++
Writeswell Jr. 1.0.2 Master
OSL Headers
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Text File
259 lines
©Apple Computer, Inc. 2/21/91
All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __AEOBJECTS__
#define __AEOBJECTS__
#ifndef __MEMORY__
#include <Memory.h>
#ifndef __OSUTILS__
#include <OSUtils.h>
#ifndef __EVENTS__
#include <Events.h>
#ifndef __EPPC__
#include <EPPC.h>
#ifndef __APPLEEVENTS__
#include <AppleEvents.h>
/* Logical operators: look for them in descriptors of type typeLogicalDescriptor
with keyword keyAELogicalOperator */
#define kAEAND 'AND '
#define kAEOR 'OR '
#define kAENOT 'NOT '
/* Absolute ordinals: look for them in descriptors of type typeAbsoluteOrdinal.
Possible use is as keyAEKeyData in an object specifier whose keyAEKeyForm
field is formAbsolutePosition. */
#define kAEFirst 'firs'
#define kAELast 'last'
#define kAEMiddle 'midd'
#define kAEAny 'any '
#define kAEAll 'all '
/* Relative ordinals: look for them in descriptors of type formRelativePosition. */
#define kAENext 'next'
#define kAEPrevious 'prev'
/********** Keywords for getting fields out of object specifier records **********/
#define keyAEDesiredClass 'want'
#define keyAEContainer 'from'
#define keyAEKeyForm 'form'
#define keyAEKeyData 'seld'
/********** Keywords for getting fields out of Range specifier records **********/
#define keyAERangeStart 'star' /* These are the only two fields in the range desc */
#define keyAERangeStop 'stop'
/********** Possible values for the keyAEKeyForm field of an object specifier **********/
/* Remember that this set is an open-ended one. The OSL makes assumptions about some of them,
but nothing in the grammar says you can't define your own */
#define formAbsolutePosition 'indx' /* e.g., 1st, -2nd ( 2nd from end) */
#define formRelativePosition 'rele' /* next, previous */
#define formTest 'test' /* A logical or a comparison */
#define formRange 'rang' /* Two arbitrary objects and everything in between */
#define formPropertyID 'prop' /* Key data is a 4-char property name */
#define formName 'name' /* Key data may be of type 'TEXT' */
/************** Various relevant types ****************/
/* Some of these tend to be paired with certain of the forms above. Where this
is the case comments indicating the form(s) follow. */
#define typeObjectSpecifier 'obj ' /* keyAEContainer will often be one of these */
#define typeObjectBeingExamined 'exmn' /* Another possible value for keyAEContainer */
#define typeCurrentContainer 'ccnt' /* Another possible value for keyAEContainer */
#define typeToken 'toke' /* Substituted for 'ccnt' before accessor called */
#define typeRelativeDescriptor 'rel ' /* formRelativePosition */
#define typeAbsoluteOrdinal 'abso' /* formAbsolutePosition */
#define typeIndexDescriptor 'inde' /* formAbsolutePosition */
#define typeRangeDescriptor 'rang' /* formRange */
#define typeLogicalDescriptor 'logi' /* formTest is this or typeCompDescriptor */
#define typeCompDescriptor 'cmpd' /* formTest is this or typeLogicalDescriptor */
/************** various relevant keywords ****************/
#define keyAECompOperator 'relo' /* Relates two terms: '', '<', etc. */
#define keyAELogicalTerms 'term' /* An AEList of terms to be related by 'logc' below */
#define keyAELogicalOperator 'logc' /* kAEAND, kAEOR or kAENOT */
#define keyAEObject1 'obj1' /* One of two objects in a term must be object specifier */
#define keyAEObject2 'obj2' /* The other object may be a simple descriptor or obj. spec. */
/************ Special Handler selectors for OSL Callbacks ***************/
/* You don't need to use these unless you are not using AESetObjectCallbacks. */
#define keyDisposeTokenProc 'xtok'
#define keyAECompareProc 'cmpr'
#define keyAECountProc 'cont'
#define keyAEMarkTokenProc 'mkid'
#define keyAEMarkProc 'mark'
#define keyAEAdjustMarksProc 'adjm'
#define keyAEGetErrDescProc 'indc'
/************ Error codes ***************/
/* OSL error codes: AEM proper uses up to -1719*/
#define errAEImpossibleRange -1720 /* A range like 3rd to 2nd, or 1st to all. */
#define errAEWrongNumberArgs -1721 /* Logical op kAENOT used with other than 1 term */
#define errAEAccessorNotFound -1723 /* Accessor proc matching wantClass and containerType
...or wildcards not found */
#define errAENoSuchLogical -1725 /* Something other than AND, OR, or NOT */
#define errAEBadTestKey -1726 /* Test is neither typeLogicalDescriptor
...nor typeCompDescriptor */
#define errAENotAnObjSpec -1727 /* Param to AEResolve not of type 'obj ' */
#define errAENoSuchObject -1728 /* e.g.,: specifier asked for the 3rd, but there are only 2.
...Basically, this indicates a run-time resolution error. */
#define errAENegativeCount -1729 /* CountProc returned negative value */
#define errAEEmptyListContainer -1730 /* Attempt to pass empty list as container to accessor */
/* Possible values for flags parameter to AEResolve. They're additive */
#define kAEIDoMinimum 0x0000
#define kAEIDoWhose 0x0001
#define kAEIDoMarking 0x0004
/* You only care about the constants that follow if you're doing your own whose
clause resolution */
#define typeWhoseDescriptor 'whos'
#define formWhose 'whos'
#define typeWhoseRange 'wrng'
#define keyAEWhoseRangeStart 'wstr'
#define keyAEWhoseRangeStop 'wstp'
#define keyAEIndex 'kidx'
#define keyAETest 'ktst'
struct ccntTokenRecord { /* used for rewriting tokens in place of 'ccnt' descriptors */
DescType tokenClass ; /* This record is only of interest to those who, when they... */
AEDesc token ; /* ...get ranges as key data in their accessor procs, choose */
} ; /* ...to resolve them manually rather than call AEResolve again. */
typedef struct ccntTokenRecord ccntTokenRecord, *ccntTokenRecPtr, **ccntTokenRecHandle ;
typedef AEDesc *DescPtr, **DescHandle ;
/* typedefs providing type checking for procedure pointers */
typedef pascal OSErr (*accessorProcPtr) ( DescType desiredClass,
const AEDesc *container, DescType containerClass, DescType form,
const AEDesc *selectionData, AEDesc *value, long LongInt ) ;
typedef pascal OSErr (*compareProcPtr)( DescType oper, const AEDesc *obj1,
const AEDesc *obj2, Boolean *result ) ;
typedef pascal OSErr (*countProcPtr)( DescType desiredType, DescType containerClass,
const AEDesc *container, long *result ) ;
typedef pascal OSErr (*disposeTokenProcPtr)( AEDesc *unneededToken ) ;
typedef pascal OSErr (*getMarkTokenProcPtr)( const AEDesc *dContainerToken, DescType containerClass,
AEDesc *result ) ;
typedef pascal OSErr (*getErrDescProcPtr)( DescPtr *appDescPtr ) ;
/* Note: app is supposed to dispose of dToken after marking */
typedef pascal OSErr (*markProcPtr)( const AEDesc *dToken, const AEDesc *markToken, long index ) ;
typedef pascal OSErr (*adjustMarksProcPtr)( long newStart, long newStop, const AEDesc *markToken ) ;
/*——————————————————————————————— PUBLIC PROCEDURES —————————————————————————————————*/
pascal OSErr AEObjectInit( void ) ;
/* Not done by inline, but by direct linking into code. It sets up the pack
such that further calls can be via inline */
pascal OSErr AESetObjectCallbacks(
compareProcPtr myCompareProc,
countProcPtr myCountProc,
disposeTokenProcPtr myDisposeTokenProc,
getMarkTokenProcPtr myGetMarkTokenProc, /* called when mark (below) is true (all 3)*/
markProcPtr myMarkProc,
adjustMarksProcPtr myAdjustMarksProc,
getErrDescProcPtr myGetErrDescProcPtr )
= { 0x303C, 0x0E35, 0xA816 } ;
pascal OSErr AEResolve ( const AEDesc *objectSpecifier,
short callbackFlags, /* see above for possible values */
AEDesc *theToken )
= { 0x303C, 0x0536, 0xA816 } ;
pascal OSErr AEInstallObjectAccessor(
DescType desiredClass,
DescType containerType,
accessorProcPtr theAccessor,
long accessorRefcon,
Boolean isSysHandler )
= { 0x303C, 0x0937, 0xA816 } ;
pascal OSErr AERemoveObjectAccessor(
DescType desiredClass,
DescType containerType,
accessorProcPtr theAccessor,
Boolean isSysHandler )
= { 0x303C, 0x0738, 0xA816 } ;
pascal OSErr AEGetObjectAccessor(
DescType desiredClass,
DescType containerType,
accessorProcPtr *accessor,
long *accessorRefcon,
Boolean isSysHandler )
= { 0x303C, 0x0939, 0xA816 } ;
pascal OSErr AEDisposeToken( AEDesc *theToken )
= { 0x303C, 0x023A, 0xA816 } ;
pascal OSErr AECallObjectAccessor( DescType desiredClass,
const AEDesc *containerToken,
DescType containerClass,
DescType keyForm,
const AEDesc *keyData,
AEDesc *token )
= { 0x303C, 0x0C3B, 0xA816 } ;
Here are the interfaces your callback procs must be written to:
pascal OSErr MyCompareProc( DescType comparisonOperator, const AEDesc *theObject,
const AEDesc *descOrObj, Boolean *result ) ;
pascal OSErr MyCountProc( DescType desiredType, DescType containerClass,
const AEDesc *container, long *result: ) ;
pascal OSErr MyGetMarkToken( const AEDesc *containerToken, DescType containerClass,
AEDesc *result ) ;
pascal OSErr MyMark( const AEDesc *theToken, const AEDesc *markToken, long markCount ) ;
pascal OSErr MyAdjustMarks( long newStart, long newStop, const AEDesc *markToken ) ;
pascal OSErr MyMyDisposeToken( AEDesc *unneededToken ) ;
pascal OSErr MyGetErrDesc( DescPtr *appDescPtr ) ;
pascal OSErr MyObjectAccessor( DescType desiredClass, const AEDesc *containerToken,
DescType containerClass, DescType keyForm, const AEDesc *keyData,
AEDesc *theToken, long *theRefcon ) ;
You'll probably want to have a number of these last ones.
A proc that finds a line within a document should be installed with 'line' and 'docu'
as the desiredClass and containerClass fields in the call to AEInstallObjectHandler().